Monday, January 17, 2011

speak life

it's been a while. forgive me. i have struggled with putting my thoughts on paper as of late. but today? today my words come naturally.

i have been finding work a tad bit on the boring side lately. i would even go as far to say that i dread getting up each morning. i find work unchallenging. mundane. and even purposeless at times.

last week, however, i came up with a plan. i decided to write words of encouragement on some of the coffee cups i hand out at work each day. within moments, my coworker joined in on what became our little writing experiment:

you are valued.
your life has purpose.
look for the silver lining.
what is the best thing about today?

...and the list goes on.

one guy got a cup that said "this too shall pass" and went out of his way to ask me whether or not the cups came like this. when i told him what my coworker and i were doing, he said, "you just made my day". [words have the power to make or break someone's day!]. and with that, he walked away, and i continued to write on the cups, thinking nothing of it.

then today, these ladies come in and as i am stocking the condiment stand, one says to the other loud enough for me to hear, "is this the lady who wrote on the cups?", and thus, started a conversation about the power of encouragement.

a few minutes later, i passed a coffee to one of our regulars, who picked up the cup and looked at it as if she were looking for something. when asked what she was doing, she replied, "looking for encouragement".

people are looking - even searching - for someone to speak words of life into them. so what are we waiting for? let's speak life!



    This totally made me tear. What a fantastic idea!!! I pray it continues to uplift and encourage all who recieve it!!!

    Be blessed my friend for being a blessing!!!

  2. nicole- i cried too. couldnt help it.

    you are so effin inspiring, paula!
