this is an email i just got from my boss, samir, from head office:
Hi folks:
I received this message from our head office regarding a customer appreciation to our staff initiation, the idea created by our trouble maker Paula.
Congratulations! Samir, your team seems to be doing a great job.
To: Second Cup, Customer Care
Subject: Thank you
Good Morning
I am a frequent customer at the Second Cup at the corner of Lisgar St and Elgin St in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
While all employees there have great customer service skills, there is one who is quite unique. I can get her name if you need it. What this employee does in the quiet times (which is almost never) is write beautiful simple saying on the coffee cups…today's says Believe in yourself…Someone does. Each cup has a different saying
My colleagues and I really enjoy these little messages and always look forward to reading them.
I think this idea should be further explored by Second Cup…this employee is on to something good.
Nathalie Rochefort
Call Solution: Thanked her for here wonderful feedback and told her that I will be sharing it with the franchise partner and the regional manager.
small things count!
[check out previous posts for background]
how has oprah not caught on to your brilliant heart yet? ill get my people to talk to her people.