single mom's camp is my fave.
now, don't get me wrong, i love youth camp. i love being on the 'A team' and dominating in the mud pit [that's right - 'PUT YOUR A'S UP']. i love the services, the games, the energy, the works; but there's just something special about getting to know some of the world's most dedicated moms, and their amazing kids.
i jumped on a train friday morning and headed to whitby where i transfered into a car with my favourite german family to 'begin' our trek to the ottawa valley. my bum was numb [rhyming not intentional] from all of the traveling, but i was quickly distracted at first glance of the beautiful lake that surrounded us.
we kicked off the weekend with a family game show, which was a huge success [even though my team lost] ;)
the following morning i had the honor of hanging out with the youth as their moms enjoyed their service. a few hours later, they found themselves being pampered at our beautifully thought out spa. the ladies looked [and felt] like a million bucks as they made their way to their kids afterwards.
that night we had another service, followed by a bonfire complete with smores and marshmallow fights. [i don't know who could have possibly started such a war?].
sunday morning came faster than we imagined it would, and sunday morning, as it were, would turn out to be one of my favourite ministry moments ever.
within minutes after handing out bibles, i realized that some of these kids had no idea how to navigate their way through one, so i made the quick decision to change up my plans a bit and teach them. i showed them where they could find the table of contents, the book summaries, and index, and then i gave them the opportunity to put what they learned into practice through what we call a 'sword drill'.
one junior high, who will remain nameless, became frustrated and certain that he would never 'get this'. i sat down beside him as the rest of the students were looking up verses, and promised him that i would sit there until he did in fact get it. [there are no words to describe how proud i was of him when he found a verse on his own, and how full my heart was as i walked away from what turned out to me my most rewarding ministry moment to date].
honduras is fast approaching.
it's hard to believe that the team and i will be on a plane in less than two months, with just over half of our funds raised. i, along with my fellow leaders, have had the honor of sharing some pretty fantastic news with a few of our students. what news, you ask? [i'm glad you asked]. one student had her whole trip covered by a stranger in edmonton who couldn't get her off of her heart. another student's trip was covered by a man who used to attend her school ... and the list goes on. one teacher even went as far as to give each student $150 towards their trip.
as much as we celebrate all of the above - and trust me - we celebrate it! - we still have a few students who are struggling to come up with the money to go.
now, understand this. we, as their leaders, are committed to making sure every one of them/us get on that plane in august, but we can't do it without your help.
i have one student who has been picking up extra shifts to make money, only to have to use it to help his mom out with unexpected bills and groceries. i've received several texts from this student, expressing his concerns and asking for help. so i turn to you, my readers.
that being said, it would mean the world to them, and to me,if you would consider helping this student/these students get on that plane. i'll do ANYTHING to ensure that these world changers get this chance of a lifetime. i'll even work for it. [i can cook, bake, and clean toilets like nobody's business, to name a few things].
a look ahead.
this week: i have the honor of speaking at a young adults' group in brampton and at lakeshore camp. [please pray with me].
july: working with youth through camps, and service opportunities/humanitarian work.
august: coaching at youth camp, leaving for honduras, and preparing for programming in the schools for the fall. what what.
and last but not least, as of today, i will be speaking at my second youth retreat in kansas in november. [i could not be more excited, and honored].
honestly, i haven't stopped smiling all day.
"each heart knows its own bitterness, and NO ONE CAN SHARE ITS JOY" [proverbs 14:10].
love to all.
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