a girl i work with called me fat the other day. (well, technically, she referred to the other paula as the 'skinny one' when i asked her which one she called for, but it sure felt like it.) i looked at her in shock and asked her why she would say such a thing. she laughed. i told her it's not funny, and she laughed again.
a few minutes later, she went out of her way to aPAULAgize to me. her face said it all; she was embarrassed that this particular comment had come out of her mouth.
"thanks, ____. i still love you", i said.
she apologized again, i told her i forgive her, she walked away relieved, and a guest stepped in right away.
"you're a great manager", she said. "the fact that your staff find you approachable enough to admit when they make a mistake is a big deal, and the way you responded to that girl is an even bigger one. we all make mistakes and i sure wouldn't want someone holding something i did against me. good for you".
this got me thinking.
1. in the same measure you forgive, you will be forgiven.
"for if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. but if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins" [matthew 6:14-15]
my guest was right and that scripture is clear; i would hate for other people (or more importantly, for God) to hold my crap against me, so i better be quick to let go of other peoples.
2. people are always watching.
i had no idea that one of my guests was watching the interaction between my coworker and i, but i tell you one thing, am i ever (extra) glad that i responded the way i did.
the choices we make (and the things we talk about) not only impact others, but reflect who we are and what we stand for, and i want to be known for one who remains approachable, doesn't let offence take root in my heart and extends grace, because well, the Lord knows how much grace has been extended to me.
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