remember 18 years a go when we all thought we were going to die because of Y2K? well, we didn't. (you may, however, still have a buttload of non perishables sitting untouched in our cupboards, and if that's the case, food banks have been low this year.)
in fact, all of those other days (and years) you never thought you'd make it through? you did. (look at you go!) and the same will be said about this year, too.
will it be full of challenges? sure. aches and pains. perhaps. but will you find the strength to endure? absolutely. you always do.
as you know, the end of the year/beginning of another causes us to reflect on the past, evaluate where we are right now, and make plans/set goals for the future.
(a look behind.)
instead of making 'new years resolutions' for the past six years, i have chosen/prayed for a word to focus on each year:
2013: ameliorate; to make better (this was a year dedicated to working on myself.)
2014: healing (i started to sort through my baggage, leave it behind, and heal.)
2015: purpose (to start to dream again and make steps towards it.)
2016: hope (turns out my mom passed away this year and i learned what it meant to cling to it.)
2017: reap (i reaped what i have sown.)
i can't help but reflect on those words and what they've meant to me as i sit here. some years were harder than others (which goes without saying), but others were absolutely amazing. like the one we just finished. 2017 was definitely one for the books. i flew a plane. one of my favourite people in the world paid for me to board another one so i could watch her graduate from university in texas. i proudly watched my younger sister walk the stage to accept her PSW diploma and walked a stage of my own to accept a medal in honour of my beautiful mom who donated an organ. i gained an adorable (no, really) niece and some great friends. quit my job to pursue my dream one and landed it. started public speaking again. met some great people. joined the staff of a great church in regent park. gained a family. and the list goes on.
(a look around.)
this year's word is 'rooted': to establish deeply and firmly.
rooted in the word of God. in community. self-love. regent park. in my role with youth unlimited. in life.
just typing these things makes me feel really thankful. and excited.
(a look ahead.)
though i have no idea what the future holds (who does?), i am confident that it holds good things. tough things. fulfilling things and surprising things. but really, really good things.
i'm excited to be able to hang out with my family in regent park more. to introduce them to more of my friends. move closer and help serve the community in new ways. lead bible study. learn and grow.
i'm happy i get the chance to invest in more youth. teach them how valuable and life-giving giving back to their community is. expose them to those on the margins of society. watch them put their phones down, connect, listen to stories, share their own, and realize how similar their stories are, how similar all of ours are.
i'm excited to get more opportunities to speak and teach and just as excited to be able to nurture my relationships this year. with myself. God. my friends and family. people i've yet to meet, but will.
...and so much more.
what are you looking forward to? let's make 2018 our best year yet!
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