i've changed my eating habits and have been doing a workout program for the past few weeks. i'm down four pounds, multiple inches and a few chins (the latter being of utmost importance obviously), and feel like a million bucks.
today's (yoga) workout video (which i sucked at, by the way) reminded me of something much more important, though: the importance of balance.
is physical self-care important? absolutely. eating healthy does wonders and exercise has been proven to strengthen your body, help you get a six pack (though i seem to have more of a 40 ounce at the moment), and increase your mental stamina. exercise is good.
and so are clothes (please wear clothes); there's nothing wrong with wearing an outfit that makes you feel good. in fact, i would encourage it. confidence is life-changing.
but an inner confidence is better, and more sustainable. after all, there's a lot more to you than what meets the eye.
and so as much as i have been working on my physical health lately, i've been just as intentional about working on the rest of me, too.
i've been reading books to challenge my intellect and keep my brain sharp, processing my feelings through journaling and counselling to keep my emotions in check, and reading my Bible and attending conferences to keep my heart right and my life centred in Christ (which, i would easily argue, is the most important one of all.)
at the end of the day, there's no sense in working on your physique if your heart and soul aren't being worked on, too. truth be told, your looks will eventually fade, your boobs will sag, and your image will catch up with you one day. will you be happy with who you are then? work on balance now and i bet you you will!
"what matters is not your outer appearance — the styling of your hair, the jewelry you wear, the cut of your clothes — but your inner disposition. cultivate inner beauty, the gentle, gracious kind that God delights in" [1 peter 3:3-4 MSG]
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