i don't remember 'skinny' being found in proverbs 31.
listen fellas, i know that you're 'designed' to go after that which is appealing to the human eye, but beauty is fleeting. one day even your lady - yes your lady - will have wrinkles, stretch marks, or both, and you'll be 'stuck' with her ... personality.
now, let it be said, in no ways am i naive; i know that there are many women out there who are thin and beautiful according to the world's standards AND have a great personality, but there are a lot who don't. i cannot tell you how many of my guy friends [or youth that i 'work' with] settle for a woman who abuses/controls them simply because she is thin/pretty, or because he is loyal and/or comfortable.
men: know your worth.
and ladies, we're not exempt from our standards, either. far too many of us settle for someone who treats us like crap also, just so we can feel beautiful, valued, and worth something.
ladies, know your worth.
friends, male and female alike, you are far too valuable to allow someone to mistreat you, use you, and abuse you. instead, find someone who loves you, values you, and treasures you ... because you ARE treasured ... and refuse to settle until you do.
know your worth.
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